Author name: Webmaster Digimapros

RayAsta Foundation Participates in Jollys Pharmacy 5k Run for Stroke Awareness

The 5K run started at Massacre-Canefield Government School and ended at Lindo Park. The RayAsta Foundation had a team of runners who enthusiastically participated in the run and proudly wore the foundation’s t-shirts which displayed our logo.  Others wore the color red. We distributed pamphlets about the stroke and its signs to the participants and […]

RayAsta Foundation Participates in Jollys Pharmacy 5k Run for Stroke Awareness Read More »

How to Care for a Stroke Patient: A Step-by-Step Guide

Are you struggling to help a loved one regain mobility and independence after a stroke? The RayAsta Foundation has the solution you’ve been looking for. Our video featuring Dr. Brian Edmunds, a highly experienced Physical Therapist with 37 years of experience working with stroke patients, is packed with valuable information and practical tips for caregivers.

How to Care for a Stroke Patient: A Step-by-Step Guide Read More »

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